Eduroam is UMass Boston's wifi network. Use the instructions on this page to connect and get help when needed.
How to Connect to Eduroam
Mac, iPhone, or iPad
- Select the "eduroam" network and log in with your full UMass Boston email address and password.
- Accept the certificate from UMass Boston eduroam server, which should end with "taogoods.net."
Android, Chromebooks and Linux
Troubleshooting Wifi Issues
Sometimes you might have trouble connecting to wifi for a variety of reasons. Read on to learn some ways to fix this.
- Turn it off and on again: Turning your wifi setting off and on again refreshes your connection and forces your device to reconnect to the nearest antenna.
- "Forget" eduroam: To go an extra step, have your device forget everything it knows about the eduroam network and then give it a fresh start from scratch. This is especially needed if you used eduroam at other institutions before coming to UMass Boston.
- iPhone or iPad: Settings > Wi-Fi > tap the "i" icon next to eduroam > Forget This Network | Forget Network on iPhone
- Android: Settings > Connections > Wi-Fi > tap the gear icon next to eduroam > Forget | Forget Network on Android
- Mac: System Preferences > Network > Wi-Fi > Advanced > eduroam > click the "-" button | Forget Network on Mac
- Windows: Start > Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage known networks > eduroam > Forget | Forget Network on Windows
Once you've forgotten the eduroam network, use the instructions at the top of this page to reconnect.
- Older devices: We have noticed that older devices have more trouble connecting to eduroam, or maintaining a consistent connection. It's possible that IT staff can help you further than the information listed on this page if you contact the IT Service Desk. In particular, all versions of MacOS before 10.13 High Sierra are incompatible with eduroam wifi due to older versions not supporting TLS 1.2. The only solution is upgrading to MacOS 10.13 or higher. Alternatively, use our Chromebook Loaner Program to borrow a Chromebook laptop for the whole semester.
- Check your browser: Some browsers have a harder time than others. Folks have had problems with Safari and Edge which were resolved by switching to Chrome or Firefox. Also, make sure your browser is updated with the instructions below:
- "Forget" UMB-Guest: The "UMB-Guest" network on campus is for users without a UMass Boston account. It is less secure, less fast, and less full-featured than the main eduroam network. If you use UMB-Guest, or have ever used it in the past, to help your experience on eduroam it's advised to perform the "Forget" steps above on the UMB-Guest network settings that may have been saved on your device.
- Custom DNS: UMass Boston wifi will not work if you use a custom DNS server, such as (Google). Your network settings must be set to obtain the DNS server automatically.
- Personal wifi networks create interference for others! Please only use the official UMass Boston wifi network eduroam. Personal wifi networks like cellphone hotspots, "MiFi" devices, wifi-enabled printers, etc., create interference with the official campus Wi-Fi network, blocking access for everyone else around you.
Get Wifi Help
If you are still having problems with wifi after trying these tips, the IT Service Desk can help.
Who Has Access?
- UMass Boston students, faculty, and staff can connect to eduroam using their full UMass Boston email address and password.
- Guests can use the 'UMB-Guest' network. Hosting employees must contact the IT Service Desk for the password in advance.
- Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy: Wifi users must adhere to the Wireless Requirements and Procedures and Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
Residence Hall Networks
Learn more about the networks available at the Residence Halls.
Our Residence Halls have two networks:
- UMBResHall - This network is for students living in the Residence Halls. You should follow the instructions provided in your dormitory for joining this network -- basically, select the network and log in with your UMass Boston email address and password. You will need to log in to the Single Digits portal to register your devices (printers, TVs, etc.)
- UMBResHall_Guest - This network is for anyone visiting the Residence Hall buildings but not living there. Select the network, navigate to a web page in your browser, and accept the terms. You should receive a guest connection valid for about four hours, after which you will need to click the accept button again.
If you have any trouble connecting to either of these networks from within the Residence Hall or have trouble using your internet-enabled devices on the UMBResHall network, please call the Single Digits student support number: (855) 890-9546
Information Technology Services
Healey Library, 3rd Floor